Previous research on Lyme disease was based solely on the reaction of the body’s immune system – the concentration of antibodies to the causative agent – Borrelia spirochete (ELISA and Western Blot) or the reaction of blast transformation of lymphocytes assessing the specific cellular response to antigens of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferii sensu lato.
Nevertheless, these standard studies left much to be desired in terms of sensitivity and/or specificity and in terms of monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.
To solve this problem, European scientists have developed a much more reliable diagnostic method – the so-called DualDur® examination.
The DualDur® project partners have completed the CE registration process under the EU In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation.
The test consists in the use of a special DualDur® cell technology medium, and then the preparation and concentration of bacteria from the blood.
The samples are then examined using a specially designed robotic microscope combined with a high-resolution CT-like camera and an artificial intelligence module that recognizes pathogens while minimizing human error.
The concentration of the sample ensures sensitivity even when the number of bacteria in the blood is low.
Thanks to this, even the lowest concentration of B. burgdorferi bacteria that occurs in humans during infection can be detected using the DualDur® method.
The extended version of the test, i.e. DualDur® for Lyme disease and co-infection, allows you to identify other possible tick-borne pathogens and can replace serological tests and blast transformation of lymphocytes for tick-borne co-infections, both as diagnostic tests and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.
Importantly, the tests are reliable at all stages of the disease, allowing for a more reliable diagnosis at an early stage of infection as well as in a more advanced stage of the disease with chronic symptoms and monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.
Examination include set of tests: DualDur® examination, coinfections and DualDur Serology.
You can do examination in Warsaw, Al. Wilanowska 43D.
All information about the examinaton:
Phone: 505-125-046